Tuesday, 26 November 2013


The reason we have chosen our certain fashion is in fitting with the post modernism theory  that nothing is original and everything has been done before. What are trying to do is replicate a band like the script such as their fashion and we are doing this as a homage style to The Script as we as a group respect the band and understand why they wear what they do. The Script tend to wear an item of leather such as a a leather jacket, the band tend to focus around what what the main band member Danny is wearing and whatever the band wear is related to the main member and the items of clothing all match up and link together.

The items of clothing we have chosen to wear will never be perfect and sometimes not ideal as we do not have a budget to work with we just have the clothes that we own, that we could share or borrow so for this, our fashion choices for the music video may contain clothes that are slightly too big, either way the clothes represent the band the script in a homage effect to them.

Other bands that we like the style of is One republic, they have a stylish representation towards them including smart shirts and jumpers but we are unable to replicate this as we all don't own this type of clothing and we don't have the funds available to us to be able to purchase and wear these clothes.


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